Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia (2024)

DAILY PRESS, NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1928. SEVENTEEN Hampton, Phoebus and Old Point News and HAMPTON ATHLETICS HAVE BRIGHT HOPES FOR GOOD SEASON Team Strengthened by Much New Material Will Hold Stiff Workout Today in Preparatnion For Opening Game. All members of the Hampton Athletic Club football team are asked to be at the Darling Field this afternoon at 2 o'clock, in uniform, for the Blue and White eleven will go through one of their hardest work-' outs so far this season, today, according to Coach Loser. With only 3 week remaining before the opening of the season the boys are working hard to get in shape for their first big game. The Crabbers, last season, went through a stiff schedule with only one reverse to mar their record, and are hopeful of at least equaling this again this fall.

Manager Lassitter is booking the strongest teams in Tidewater Virginia for his eleven and is confident that they will measure up to the standard of the epposition- The opening contest on the schedule calls for a game in Norfolk, with the Norfolk Blues, rated the strongest team in the state. Following this the Crabbers will open their home schedule by taking on the Berkley Braves, on the Soldiers Home grounds, on October 7. Last these two teams played a 0 to 0 year thriller. After these two games will come tilts with the South Narfolk Panthers, Richmond Y. M.

H. Newport News Y. M. H. Langley The Peninsula's WE INVITE YOU The spirit of welcome shines through every transaction of this bank with its depositors.

Our service takes the form of a perpetual Invitation. We Invite you to ask for service, so that we may have more opportunities to give you service. The strong resources and up-to-the-minute facilities of this bank are here ready for your use. We cordially invite you, whether you are an old depositor or a prospective depositor, to come in and make use of them. The Bank of Hampton Virginia Oldest Bank Field, Naval Training Station, and ether first class elevens.

The locals are counting on having a stronger eleven than ever before, with practically all of last year's team back in harness and several new men. Chief among the candidates is Walter Goodwin, of Georgia Tech. Goodwin while playing for the Golden Tornado was selected as a member of the AllSouthern team for the seasons 1924- was picked by several coaches as as member of the Allguard reported for his first American squad in 1925. HY is a practice yesterday, afternoon. He will be out and the rest off the week, and expecting to be in shape to play the opening game next Sunday.

Goodwin will be a welcome addition to the line and will capably fill the hole left by Anderson, the only linemen missing from last season. Other new men are "Milly" Tennis, ex-Hampton high school captain and star. Tennis is making a strong bid for one of the end berths and the locals are counting heavily on him. Roswald Braig, star tackle for ton high last season, is another new man who is showing up well and bids fair to fill of the flank positions. Tom Parker, Apprentice school guard, is very likely to hold down guard berth, and "Horse" Riley, another ex-high school recruit, is counting on seeing service at tackle or guard.

Kenneth Daniels, high school back last season making a fight for a berth on the eleven. Other new candidates showing up well are "Buck" Joinville, "Andy" Anderson, Robert Gillen, "Muzzle" Cardwe Bob Abelkop, and Albert Lee. COLORED MAN HELD FOR GRAND JURY ACTION Thomas Matthews, colored a member of the National Soldiers' Home, who was arrested several days ago charge of mistreating an 11- year -old colored boy, was given 8 hearing before Magistrate R. H. Sweeney and was held for the action of the grand jury at the October term of court.

Funeral of W. Stewart The funeral of W. G. Stewart, colored, will take place from the Third Baptist church this afternoon at 3 o'clock, with Rev. J.

W. Patterson officiatin. TALES OF THE ROAD H-H-HOW F-F-FAST CGCAN SHE G- G- GO? LORD, I DON'T KNOW, G. JI'M JUSING TYDOL GASOLINE! Worlds of POWER! ONLY when you call on TYDOL for its last ounce of energy do you realize its reserves of power. Hills seem flatter with TYDOL.

Traffic jams that left you stranded, now find you out in front. And everywhere, its boundless pep and pick-up are setting new sales records. The New Made by the makers ofthe NEW VEEDOL MOTOR OIL TRAFFIC the tougher, heavier-bodied oil for the modern motors GASOLINE There's GET-UP and GET-AWAY in every drop of it THE HAMPTON OIL SUPPLY CO. PHONE 10 222-230 EAST QUEEN STREET HAMPTON, VA. NORMAL INTSITUTE OPENS FOR SESSION WITH RECORD FIGURE Sixty-First Winter Term of Colored School Begins With a Registration of More Than Thousand Students.

The largest enrollment in the his. tory of the institute marked the opening of the 61st winter session of Hampton Institute. Approximate figures from the registrar's office show a registration of 1,040 students to date. The figures fo rlast year showed 887 men and women taking their prescribed work in eight schools of the college and in the trade school and academy. Over 600 students are now taking work on the college level, an increase of almost 200 over the number taking similar work last year.

This steady growth of the college since its beginning in 1920, with a group of students, has demanded many in personnel, equipment and courses. In all, 754 students applied for admission to the school for this session, of which 427 were admitted. Re-admissions were 67, of whom 47 were men. The number of new workers coming to the institution was this year smaller than usual. Among these are: James A.

Bailey, Hampton '01, Hampton, Viola L. F. Chaplain, B. Bishop College, Richmond, Grant Hardaway Coleman, Hampton Institute, T. Hanover, Harold G.

Crankshaw, printing, Carnegie Institute, Akron, Bernice Crankshaw, Gregg School, N. commercial O. A. Akron, Kenneth B. Crooks, Harvard A.

A. Cambridga; George William Davis, Hampton Institute, Brookneal, Laura J. Henry, Va. N. I.

Inney, B. Teachers' College, stitute, Hampton, Celia Column: bia, Johnstown, Margaret Helen Jones, Business College, Beatrice, Clarence W. Lewis, Union High School, Langley Field Road; Bernice A. O'Briant, Ohio Wesleyan and Miami University, B. Washington, Ohio; Catherine F.

Personius, B. M. Elmira College and Teachers College, N. Elmira, New York: Doris M. Roger, Birmingham University, England, London, England; Fannie I.

Juillard School of Music, Charlotte, N. Saunder Grace E. A. Bryn Mawr and Pratt Institute, Littleton, N. Stuart L.

Whiting, Hampton Institute, '22 and N. Y. University '26, B. C. Norfolk, Va.

W. C. DIRECTORS TO MEET ON TUESDAY Plans For the Coming Winter Will be Discussed at Important Session. A most important meeting of the borad of directors of the Hampton Woman's Club will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock in the home of Mrs. William Joachim.

It is requested that all the directors attend this session, as plans for the activities of he club this winter will be considered. The complete lies of the directors for the com year is given below: Miss Bessie Fitchett, chairman; Mrs. W. F. Joachim, Mrs.

J. M. Atkinson, Mrs. Burbank, Mrs. William Scoville, Mrs.

Charles Fraley, Mrs. J. B. L. Buck, Mrs.

R. C. Francis, Mrs. G. T.

Elliott, Mrs. J. W. Peugh. Mrs.

G. M. Massenburg, Mrs. George Guy, Mrs. James Bickford, Mrs.

A. S. Miller, Mrs. R. M.

Booker, Mrs. F. W. Darling, Mrs. C.

S. Diggs, Mrs. Harry Lewis, Mrs. Arthur Stierly, Mrs. M.

C. Armstrong. "THE GAUCHO" SHOWS AT SCOTT'S TWO DAYS In Douglas Fairbanks' new picture, Douglas Fairbanks as The Gaucho, at the Scott theatre, he has the most dashing 1 part he never played. A gaucho is a picturesque nineteenth century character little known to the States, and apparently destined to attract more than ordinary attention there as well as in South America. The scenes of Doug's plays have been veering southward; France England, Arabia, Spain, the Antilles--and now the Pampas.

The story has no definite localty but is laid in the Pampas regions at large, marking no pretense at historical accuracy, but using the picturesque environment as a background for romance. Douglas Fairbanks as The Gaucho is a tale of treasurer, combat intrigue and love concering the adventures of a bandit who crosses the Cordilleras with his riders to seize a city grown rich from the offerings of pilgrims to its sacred shrine. For the first the star has two leading women, one a wild madcap, the other a saintly character. The production has a conflict of love interests, said to be much stronger than in any previous Fairbanks picture. Under the instruction of real gauchos from Argentina, Fairbanks has become an adept with the boleodoras, which he uses in the picture as one of his many striking feats of prowess.

"The Gaucho" shows at the Scott for two big days, Thursday and Friday, with matinees at 3:15 at 15 and 25 cents admission and night at 7:15 and 9:15 p. m. 25 cents admission. All school students will be admitted at matinees for 15 cents with a specialy printed coupon in hand. Coupons are bing distributed at the local school on Monday.

BOWLERS MEET TUESDAY TO ORGANIZE LEAGUE A meeting of the bowling fans of Hampton and the lower peninsula will be held at the Elizabeth City courthouse on Tuesday evecounty, 7:30 o'clock, at which time the work of organizing a bowling league for the coming fall and winter season will be discussed and acdion taken. Officers will be elected and a. schedule of games arranged as wel las the adoption of rules and regulations to govern the tournament. It is stated that interest in the bowling game keener than ever this year and that the lovers of the game are anxious to get back into the contest for championship honors on the lower peninsula. Ten teams have signified their intention of entering the league, and representatives from each of the outfits as well as all other interested bowlers are invited to be present at Tuesday night's meeting.

FATHER (to small daughter watching mother arrange her hair): Daddy hasn't any waves like that, has he? SMALL DAUGHTER: No! It's all Show. The Tactful Conduct of Funeral Arrangements Our experience enables us to relieve the family and friends of the trying responsibilities connected with funeral arrangements. Sympathetic understanding and tactful handling of all details has helped us to win the confidence and esteem of our many patrons whom we have assisted in their hour of sorrow. H. S.

CUNNINGHAM Funeral Director Phones: Office 43 Residence 235 TRY OUR MAT. TRESS. Guaranteed 25 years. Neptune Stove for boats. Circulating heaters, heats the whole house.

Blankets, Comforts. All kinds of furniture. Best line of trunks. Your credit is good. NEWELL Furniture Co.

25 Court St. Hampton, Va. Phone 118 A New Fall Styles New Fall Patterns New Fall Prices All in Stein-Bloch and Kupperheimer Clothes. Priced UP $25 E.L. Carmines and Co.

Hampton, Va. WatchesDiamonds- Optical GoodsRegistered Optometrist Marple's Jewelry Store Hampton, Va. The Summer Months Are Hard on the Vital Points of An Automobile Come in and let us lubricate all those small parts that are necessary, but not seen. Greasing and Lubrication Under High Pressure ACCESSORIES -FIRESTONE TIRES City Service Station Corner Hope and Queen Streets Phone 177 E. A.

LINMAN, Prop. A PUBLIC SERVICE We endeavor to give the people of this community FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES in season at the best possible prices. We Deliver Anywhere for Your Convenience. Davis City Green Market Opposite St. John's Church Phones 420 and 1057 W.

Queen St. A Comfortable Home FOREMOST IN EVERYONE'S MIND. COMFORTABLE, STYLISH FURNITURE IS NOT EXPENSIVE IF BOUGHT HERE. Where Else Can You Find Such Wonderful Bargains in Bed Room Furniture? Finished in either Walnut or Mahogany, Four Poster or Bow End Beds. Dust proof drawers, large Vanity complete with Chair, Bench and Rocker.

Priced from $155.00 up to $360.00. Every one a bargain. Easy Terms, too. LOWEST EASIEST PRICES TERMS -Three piece Living Room Suites, priced from $130.00 up to $260.00. Every piece is staunchly constructed and will last a lifetime.

Covered in Mohair or Jacquard Velour. Special Sale of Small Rugs 36 70 27 54 FINEST QUALITY FINEST QUALITY AXMINSTER AXMINSTER RUGS. RUGS. $13.00 for $8.00 $7.50 for $4.75. This is your opportunity to buy a High Grade Axminster Rug at a very small cost.

These are not odds and ends. We are overstocked on small Rugs and offer them to you at the above prices. Remember they are the best quality and the patterns are the latest. Come in Monday morning and make your selection before they are all gone. Floor Covering for Every Room in Your Home Reasonably Priced.

Take Advantage of Our Easy Payment Plan W. A. PLEASANTS HAMPTON Phone 22 VIRGINIA.

Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia (2024)


What famous singer is from Newport News VA? ›

Ella Fitzgerald was born on April 25, 1917, in Newport News, Virginia to mother, Temperance (Tempie) Henry and father, William Fitzgerald.

Why is Newport News famous? ›

Newport News played a major role in the Peninsula Campaign during the Civil War. Numerous earthen fortifications and attractions that relate to the Civil War can be experienced in Newport News. In addition, the famous "Battle of the Ironclads" took place off the shores of Newport News in 1862.

What is the phone number for the Daily Press Newport News? ›

Click here or call 757 247-4800. For help with more complicated questions, email us at customerservice@dailypress.com.

How do I place an obituary in Daily Press Newport News VA? ›

Submit an obituary. Phone for help: 757-247-4700. Send a letter to the editor: email letters@dailypress.com.

What is the racial makeup of Newport News Virginia? ›

Newport News Demographics

White: 44.09% Black or African American: 41.16% Two or more races: 8.32% Asian: 3.47%

Which Fitzgerald was born in Newport News West Virginia? ›

Ella Fitzgerald was born in 1917 in Newport News, Virginia, United States to William and Temperance "Tempie" Fitzgerald. Soon after Ella was born, her parents separated. She went to live in Yonkers, New York with her mother and her mother's boyfriend, Joseph Da Silva.

What are nicknames for Newport News? ›

It's an ugly truth that Newport News gets a bad rap from surrounding denizens of the Seven Cities–they all refer to the area as Bad Newz. In all fairness, there was a long period of time when crime was so rampant that the city kind of brought the name on itself.

Is Newport News VA wealthy? ›

The per capita income in Newport News in 2022 was $36,135, which is middle income relative to Virginia, and upper middle income relative to the rest of the US.

Who was born in Newport News? ›

7 Famous People From Newport News VA
  • Ella Fitzgerald. No less than the Queen of Jazz and the First Lady of Song was born in Newport News on April 25, 1917. ...
  • William Styron. ...
  • Richard Kelly. ...
  • Michael and Marcus Vick. ...
  • Hazel R. ...
  • Robert Cray. ...
  • About Holcomb Law, PC.

Who owns Daily Press Newport News? ›

The Daily Press Inc. is a daily morning newspaper published in Newport News, Virginia, which covers the lower and middle Peninsula of Tidewater Virginia. It was established in 1896 and bought by Tribune Company in 1986.

Why is Newport News called news? ›

The new governor ordered them to turn around and return to Jamestown. Under this theory, the community was named for Newport's "good news". Another possibility is that the community may have derived its name from an old English word "news" meaning "new town".

Who owns Newport Daily News? ›

The Daily News was the state's largest family-owned newspaper until it was purchased by Gatehouse Media in 2017.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the local newspaper? ›

Costs vary by publication. Newspapers charge by the line and can average $450 for a complete obituary. The average obituary cost begins at $200.00 and increases due to the amount of content, including a photograph and the length of the obituary.

What is an obituary in local newspaper? ›

An obituary (obit for short) is an article about a recently deceased person. Newspapers often publish obituaries as news articles. Although obituaries tend to focus on positive aspects of the subject's life, this is not always the case.

How do I cancel my daily press subscription? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-760-241-7755. Residents living in California, Georgia, Maine, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Virginia can cancel online by visiting their Account Management page once logged in to the website.

Where did Ella Fitzgerald live in Newport News? ›

The jazz legend was born in Newport News in April 1917 and briefly lived on Madison Avenue before relocating to New York with family.

Where is Laurel singer from? ›

Southampton, England

How many famous people are from Virginia? ›

Sandra Bullock and Chris Brown are the two most famous people from Virginia, according to research done by the BetVirginia.com staff. Mark Hamill, Rob Lowe and Rhea Seehorn round out the top five, ahead of others like Pharrell Williams and Allen Iverson. Is Rob Lowe from Virginia? Yes, Rob Lowe is from Virginia.


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.